Copyright Attorneys Available in Putnam County NY

Copyright attorneys are essential to adequately protect your valuable property. Generally, some small businesses will rely on certain pieces of intellectual property to support their business and influence their growth. A business’ copyright can become a big part of their individuality and branded image. It is essential to protect the copyright to ensure a secure future for your growing business.
TrademarkAuthority has searched over 8,000 trademarks and registered thousands of marks with the USPTO and world offices.
TrademarkAuthority, a service exclusively licensed to an intellectual property law firm located in Putnam County, NY provides personal and expert trademark legal advice to clients across the globe.
For more information contact Todd Braverman, founder of TrademarkAuthority by calling (516)567-2416.

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TrademarkAuthority is a service exclusively licensed to Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Baratz LLP ("Pearl Cohen"), an intellectual property law firm located in New York, NY, that provides personal and expert trademark and copyright legal services covering the U.S., Europe, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Japan, China and many other countries throughout the world. This Web site may be considered Attorney Advertising. The information provided on this site is not legal advice, but general information on legal issues relating to trademark searching and registration. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

TrademarkAuthority was founded by an expert trademark attorney and former U.S. Trademark Office Examining Attorney who has over twenty-two years experience representing clients on a variety of trademark and copyright law issues. Our legal services include trademark searching, filing trademark applications, responding to USPTO Office Actions, filing Statements of Use, representing clients before the U.S. Trademark Office, Federal and State courts, maintaining trademark registrations, monitoring, policing and enforcing trademark rights and filing copyright registrations.