Trademark Registration in New York City, NY

Have you been looking to register  a trademark for your business? Look no further than TrademarkAuthority in New York City!

TrademarkAuthority consists of a team of professional attorneys who have helped thousands of clients in New York City register their trademarks and develop copyrights. Trademarks are any symbol, word, or words that are legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product. By registering a trademark, you are ensuring that you have all rights to the names, symbols and phrases that make up your business or product.

Applications for trademark registration include many complex details which can get confusing and extremely time consuming. With the help of TrademarkAuthority, your application and registration process will be simple and effective. We work with you to develop brand and trademark registration strategies, while helping you avoid costly mistakes and missteps.

Never before has registering for a trademark or copyright in New York City been so easy! Contact us today at 516-567-2416  for your free consultation and for more information on how TrademarkAuthority can help with your trademark registration, hassle free!

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TrademarkAuthority is a service exclusively licensed to Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Baratz LLP ("Pearl Cohen"), an intellectual property law firm located in New York, NY, that provides personal and expert trademark and copyright legal services covering the U.S., Europe, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Japan, China and many other countries throughout the world. This Web site may be considered Attorney Advertising. The information provided on this site is not legal advice, but general information on legal issues relating to trademark searching and registration. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

TrademarkAuthority was founded by an expert trademark attorney and former U.S. Trademark Office Examining Attorney who has over twenty-two years experience representing clients on a variety of trademark and copyright law issues. Our legal services include trademark searching, filing trademark applications, responding to USPTO Office Actions, filing Statements of Use, representing clients before the U.S. Trademark Office, Federal and State courts, maintaining trademark registrations, monitoring, policing and enforcing trademark rights and filing copyright registrations.